Recently I’ve seemed to notice
That everywhere I go
I find someone inquiring...
Of something they must know:
“Will it be a boy, or girl?”
“Have you decided on a name?”
“What does Graciela think?”
“You think they’ll look the same?”
It’s really quite a normal thing,
I’ve asked a few myself.
If I could write them in a book…
I bet I'd fill a shelf!
“How’s the little Mom today?”
“Is she feeling somewhat tired?”
“Do you have a name picked out?”
And, “Is the nanny hired?”
Questions, Questions, Questions, hmmm...
Will they ever end?
They even come in digital...
When someone pushes SEND!
“What’s the due date gonna be?”
“How’s the wife today?”
“Did you say you’d picked a name?”
“How's Rose? Is she OK?”
‘Yes’, and ‘no’, and ‘Rose is fine’,
And ‘maybe on the name’
I can’t begin to stand a chance…
At this unending game!
Now, don’t think that I mind the fact:
I’m getting much attention.
It’s just there seems to be more questions…
Then answers I can mention!
But that’s OK--- feel free to ask
You ask…because you care.
And I will always fire back...
An answer I can share!
For I know that you love us all
And want for us the best
And that is why the questions come,
For they are but a test...
A test for Dad about his son
And the condition of his mother,
And the feelings of both Ben and Grace…
On the arrival of their brother!
I wish I had...all of the answers,
I know I have a few!
But I’m afraid in such conditions...
That those will have to do.
And if the questions get too much
And they begin to smother…
I’ll simply use the standard line
And say, “Go ask your mother!
Guns and America
7 years ago