Today I threw a great big fit,
As grand as grand can be.
And Dad, who watched could only stare...
Distressed, at what he'd see!
He didn't know just what to do,
To quell the mounting fury,
The screams, the tears, the arching back...
My Dad began to worry!
I tossed & turned & rolled & kicked,
I did a full 360.
But in the end, it did not change...
I still was acting 'icky'!
My Dad began to lose some hair.
Yes! More then's gone already!
And nothing could console my tears...
Not even Mr. Teddy!
So Dad is toast.
And I will boast:
That I can scream the most!
So Dad is headed for the coast.
Else - he'll become a ghost.
For I am such a lousy host!
At says this post.
Guns and America
7 years ago