This is my 100th posting on Poetic Baby History!!!!!
Had you asked me 2 years ago if I was going to start a blog, I probably would have said: "What's a blog?". I had no idea that I would even begin a blog, much less that I would one day make 100 posts on said blog. I began watching the blog that my niece Aimie and her husband Justin were doing for their daughter Eva Mae. When I began checking in on their blog, Eva Mae had not yet been born, and they were sharing all the plans and ultrasounds regarding Eva Mae on
their blog. I actually enjoyed checking in from day to day to see what the latest news was... thus keep up with the entire pregnancy journey. It was a really great way to keep informed on what was going on in the growth of little Eva Mae. In the fall of 2007 we discovered that we were going to be having a baby in the summer of 2008, and I began to think about starting my own blog. When you have family sprawled across the fifty states of the great United States, it seemed like an excellent media to keep everyone informed regarding the progress of the pregnancy. I felt a little guilty making a blog exactly like Aimie and Justin's, so I began thinking of what I could do to make it more unique. I have always been a bit of a poetry buff; not much good at writing it, but once in a while I am able to write a good one. The bulk of my writings are so-so and not so inspiring...but I trudge on through the snow undaunted. So, I eventually decided to begin a blog, throw a poetry anchor around it's neck, and toss it into the great big blue internet sea of information. I realize that 'the following' of my blog is miniscule to say the least. A few loyal family members who check in weekly, some daily; a few co-workers of myself and Rose, and some family friends. It has been a fun and rewarding experience for me. I enjoy being creative and have a dream of someday being a writer (though I don't have the brain or the vocabulary for it). Still, I have a dream. I had actually intended to write a lot of poetry as the pregnancy progressed and share it on the blog. And like most ventures, it began well, but as the pregnancy progressed and the busyness of life took it's toll; the time to sit down and write poetry disappeared, much like a magician's assistant. I still manage to crank a poem out once in a while...but it has not been a frequent occurrence. As the birth date approached...spare time became hard to find. After the birth...there was NO time. I can't imagine having twins, or worse...octuplets.
Ethan was born July 3rd, 2008. He has been a joy to our souls. Rose and I both have children from previous marriages. We enjoyed raising them both and love them very much. Blogs did not exist back when Ben and Graciela were babies. Writing a blog is fun for the reader... as well as the writer. It is a pleasure to share the progress and growth of the child as they grow. The milestones that they cross, the problems they encounter, the joy that they bring into our lives. I hope my readers have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Thanks to the digital camera, it is easy to post the latest pictures; and instantly, family and friends can check in and see the latest news about our 'Little Man'. Ethan is now 9 months old. A big boy weighing 24 pounds. He as the cutest infectious smile and a very shrill scream, and he knows what he likes and dislikes (even at 9 months old). Ethan is very good natured and has been a great addition to our family.
For my 100th post, I am going to share some of my favorite pictures and poems that have been posted since I began my blogging journey. You have probably seen the pictures or poems before...but these are the posts that are my favorites. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks to each of you for following along. I hope that you have enjoyed watching our 'Little Man Ethan' grow from conception to his current age of 9 months. Keep checking in, your attendance is appreciated.
My Favorite Blog Moments:



Two Tiny Blue Socks

There's always been this mys-tery
In every laundry room,
How one half of...a pair of socks
Could meet some form of doom.
There never was a sign of struggle.
No blood, no ghastly gore,
Just suddenly, one little sock,
Would cease and be no more.
The standard wisdom said 'just wait'...
One day it will show up,
Its probably underneath a bed,
Hauled off by Rover's Pup.
But as time passed, the problem grew,
More socks would turn up missing,
I think its time that we woke up...
And did a little listening.
Our home now has an extra set,
Of tiny little feet,
And easier, this tragic fate,
Twill be for them to meet.
For now, a sock that once was big,
Is now so very small;
So I'm afraid, that once they're gone,
They'll not be found at all.

Think of all the tears ahead,
When a frog sock goes away,
And the frog sock mate, forever now...
Alone, shall have to lay.
The Dragon socks, or the Dolphin socks,
Could also share this fate...
Then spend their life in the 'lost sock bin',
Longing for their mate.
A larger sock might stand a chance,
Of one day being found,
But these poor tiny mini-socks,
Are gone, without a sound.
They leave behind a lonesome mate,
And five cold tiny toes,
And where they went's a mystery
That no one seems to know.

The Shark socks met a watery grave,
Deep beneath the sea,
And the Dragon socks that had a dream...
It's dream, shall never be.
The tiny Cat and Doggie socks...
Were lost in a high-speed chase,
And the Pirate sock will drift at sea...
Its now without a face.
Someone needs to solve the mystery,
Before it is too late,
For all the future lonely socks
That face this same dark fate.
Who will rise to stop the slaughter
Of these tiny little socks,
Whose countless victims stand inside
Yon' laundry door, and knock.
Crying: "Save us from our lonely fate,
Don't let us each be lost,
Imagine what our totaled loss,
In dollars, it would cost".
Like an engineer whose lost his job,
The only life he knew,
These little socks, without their mates,
Have nothing left to do.
So if you see a tiny sock,
Hidden beneath the stove,
Or stuffed under a spare cushion,
Or trapped in a hidden cove.
Pick it up, and take the time,
To see that it gets home,
End its pain and suffering...
Its dismal life alone.
And all the little single socks,
Will give you a salute,
So they can get right back to work,
Inside somebody's boot.
For you will set a prisoner free...
For many future walks,
No longer sad, no longer blue,
You've saved our little socks.
"Thank-you sooo much!"

The Dragon Slayer
In a land that’s not so far away…lived a King named Arthur…eh….Ethan Arthur. This King was a great warrior…but recently had been having trouble sleeping at night. The King had many things on his mind. He spent many a night in his chambers contemplating how he could best serve the people of his Kingdom.

There were many enemies of his Kingdom, and the King would ponder ‘whose diapers he would be soiling on the morrow’.
The King had a mighty sword that he carried with him at all times. He also had a scepter that would ‘rattle’ throughout the land.

Whenever he would rattle his scepter, his loyal subjects would flock to his aid. Together they have conquered many enemies. The King’s greatest enemy is Prince Colic on his southern border. Prince Colic and his brother Sleep have cost the King many restless nights.
With your help, and perhaps a few burps, the King hopes to prevail against his enemies. Then King Arthur…eh…Ethan Arthur, can live happily ever after in the land of the Sleepless Knights!

Not so very far away
In a Kingdom near your home,
A fearless night-light, undeterred…
Sends forth a gleam of light.
Thus making pathways through the castle
As safe as they can be.
Here in Ethan’s restless realm:
The Land of the Sleepless Knights!
From the coast of the Froggy Bathe’ing tub,
To the blades of the ceiling fan,
Near the moat around his crib,
Glows the night-lite's flickering light.
No matter what the time of day
Or the hour you might call
You’ll find that someone’s still astir
In the land of the Sleepless Knights!
For the Master of this mighty Kingdom
Sits swinging in his throne.
He’s wrestling with his foe: ‘Prince Sleep’
We’re in for a long hard fight.
Ethan keeps a vigilant watch
Prepared for another battle
It’s just another Knightly quest
In the Land of the Sleepness Knights!
The enemy tries many feats
To force him into sleep.
From Lulaby’s, to dancing sheep
They fight with all their might.
But Ethan staves another surge
He’ll wake to fight again
His parents cry and face defeat
In the Land of the Sleepless Knights!
His colic cries, his arching back
The burps throughout the land
Have proven him a daunting foe
No rest for us in sight.
Still the skirmish rages on
The chamber door is blocked
No formula has yet to crack
His grip on the Sleepness Knights!
The dragons shadow overhead
A screech from an old night owl
This crying foe goes onward still
His torch still burning bright.
"Grant us just 3 hours sleep",
His peasant parents beg
But Ethan’s ‘will’… triumphs again
In the Land of the Sleepness Knights!
Like an eagle resting on its perch
Surveying all the land
Ethan’s torture of his parents
Has climbed to unequaled heights.
"There’ll be no rest for anyone
Until I get some porrage!"
His proclamation’s been put forth
In the Land of the Sleepness Knights!
So if this sounds like a restless (K)night…
It is! - It’s a nightly tale.
Still we search throughout the land
For the spell that will set things right!
For here in the land where Dragons fly
Where castles are cold and dark
Ethan still stands undefeated…
In the Land of the Sleepness Nights…
Ethan - The Mighty Warrior King!
Behold, Dragon’s lay at his feet!

Crib Rap

Yo! -- You checkin out my crib?
Cuz I seen you lookin.
So’s if you don’t belong here dude...
I say...You best be bookin!
Cause this here room is taken, Mac...
I’m settin up shop in this here flat.
And Imma gonna be the King here soon...
So, whatta ya think about dat?
Check out these sheets: Jungle theme!
With wooden bars and padden see.
So’s you can gawk all you want...
But remember Cat...this crib’s for ME!!
Now my Mom’s gonna, lay me down,
And pamper me, the whole day long.
And when I can bet...
She’ll be singing to me: a lullaby song!
Boom de boom de boom boom, boom …
These walls are blue…and I’m so cool,
But I need a bottle of milky ju.
So come and listen, to me real soon…
Cause I can’t sing - but I can...coo.
Coo Coo, Coo de Coo…
And when I eat, you can see the mess;
But I have lots of bibs!!
So it’s OK for you to look…
But remember Jack – This here’s: MY crib!
My Crib Jack, mine!
Here, Check it out again, it’s got checkability, Mac!
I’m stylin…You see that pillow? That’s MY pillow! Mine!!

My Best Foot Forward!
Now quarters are a little cramped
I don't have too much room.
But I'm a baby on the move
I'll soon be going zoom!
Many steps will be ahead
But for now I get to rest
Gathering the strength I need
For my upcoming quests.
My Daddy has some great big feet
His 2 feet make a yard
So filling up my Daddy's shoes
Will be a little hard.
But here's the proof that I can do it!
Yes, I'll be hard to beat
I'm giving you - 'A picture see'
Of my gigantic feet!
Watch out Daddy!