Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Often times, as a single parent, you find yourself using the bathroom, and the little one follows you in, or screams outside the door until you let him in. Ethan is that way, he stays close a lot of the time. When he is in the bathroom with me, or anywhere actually, because he is at that age, he points to everything in the bathroom and says, "dat?". Basically we go through everything he points at and I tell him what it is. (NO, this story is not going there!) Anyway, he goes through everything:

"Dat? Door." "Dat? Light." "Dat? Light switch." "Dat? Mirror." "Dat? Sink." "Dat? Towel." "Dat? Toilet Paper." "Dat? Door Knob." "Dat? Latch." "Dat? Hinge." "Dat? Etc."

Today, I had a dirty bowl at the computer desk and I told him to go put it in the sink. He grabbed the bowl and took off. I kept hearing clinking noises and thought he was in the kitchen. Finally I went to check on him, but he wasn't in the kitchen. He was in the bathroom.

If it's any consolation, the bowl was in the sink...just not the kitchen sink. I guess I'll have to be more specific.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


About a month ago, Ethan woke up from his nap and I went up to get him out of his crib. Before he went to sleep, he had thrown all of his stuffed animals, blanket, book and Kar out of the crib. I'm sorry to say the 'tossing of items' was done in a fit of rage because he had been put down for a nap. As I pulled him out of his bare crib he pointed to the pile of items in the corner and said "Kar". That's Ethan talk for car. He then arched his back and said "up"...meaning he wanted down. So I put him down and he went over to the pile of ejected items and started rummaging through the pile obviously looking for his 'kar'. After some tossing of items, he pulled the item off the pile that was concealing the kar, and there it was just lying there. He didn't immediately reach down and pick it up. Instead, he turned his head around and looked up at me with the biggest smile on his face. It was so clear that the smile was saying "I found my kar, I am so happy". It would have been a priceless photograph. That smile said so much more than just, I'm smiling and I'm happy. There was obvious satisfaction and elation in that little 2 year old smile.

Some moments are priceless when raising kids.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Little Baby??

Ethan found an old pacifier in the bottom of his toy box. Our litte 40 pound infant....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Old Navy Ethan

Which Old Navy Ethan is your favorite?

Hung-over Ethan:

Mr. Friendly Ethan:

Deep thoughts Ethan:

Stern look Ethan:

Are YOU talking to ME? Ethan

Tease the dog Ethan:

Slouch on the couch Ethan:

Play with the dog Ethan:

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Since Ethan was a little boy, we have warned him about things that are HOT. Whenever Rose would have some hot food, she would say "hot" and fan the food with her hand. Consequently, whenever Ethan says 'hot', he twists each of his hands to signify that it is hot. Take a peek: