My momma says I tickle her...
That I'm a wiggle worm.
But I'm just in here making room...
So's I can go full term!
There's really not much room in here
This pads a little cramped
I'm wiggling every chance I get
To get this space revamped!
A tickle here, a tickle there
It really must be done
And what's a feller 'spose to do
I gotta have some fun!
Stretch & push -- then wiggle wiggle
Now---give my mom a poke
I'll let 'er know her little one
Has recently awoke.
So, I'll just keep a wiggling
So's you won't have a fear
A wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, kick!
So now you know I'm here"!
So if I keep you up all night
Or make you feel all funny
It's only me ---your wiggly son
At work, inside your tummy!
Wiggle, wiggle, kick!!
Guns and America
7 years ago
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