He is searching for some rest.
As I sing to him a lullaby…
His vocal chords he tests.
We sit in that old rocking chair,
My family knows it well.
For each of us, if we were asked…
Could find a tale to tell.
A childhood memory where Grandma sat
In this same rocking chair...
And talked to us, her grandchildren;
There’s a story...we each could share!
‘Cause that old chair has been around,
At least as long as me.
For more than 50 years it’s been...
A part, in our history.
My Grandma loved that ‘rocking chair’,
She passed it on to Mother.
From Mother, to my Sister Lynn...
From Lynn, a gift to Brother.
After all the years now past,
My Grandma’s long since gone.
My son’s now rocking in that chair,
His life...just in its dawn.
To think…that he now gets to rock
Where my Grandma used to rest.
Makes me feel a little proud...
Like, he’s an honored guest!
My Grandma loved that rocking chair,
My Mother loved it too!
And now I rock my son to sleep...
A time for ‘just us two’!
Grandma Flo: “Your chair still works!”
At rocking kids to sleep.
And if I think about it long...
My eyes begin to weep.
For I know you and Mom would both
Have loved to rock my son.
So as I rock, I’ll think of you...
And we will get it done!
Sweet dreams Ethan!
Dedicated to My Grandma: Florence Coulson,
Her rocking chair we still use today,
My Dearest Mother Eva Mae Gardner,
And all the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
Who have rocked in Grandma’s chair!
Clint Gardner 2008
My Grandma, Florence Coulson

Me...in front of Grandma's chair (approximately 1969)

Eva Mae Coulson, Age 15, 1935

Dad and Ethan in Grandma's chair 2008