Hi, My name is Ethan. I was born on the third of July. It's not been that easy of a time.. Sorry, but I'm not gonna lie. It all started out on the wrong foot because I was having some breathing trouble. So, they put me in the NICU, and gave me oxygen while I slept in a bubble. I'll spare you all the details about my 12 days in the NICU. Lets just say, it was not much fun, and its not the kind of thing a baby wants to do. And thats just me...I can't begin to tell you how hard it was for my Mom and Dad. They were really glad when I finally got to go home. But there were many times when they were very sad.
So, I finally made it home, and to tell you the truth, even that has been a little bit tough. Its because I don't know how to communicate very well. So, its been hard for Mom and Dad to understand stuff. The worst part has been my little tummy. Its been very troublesome, and is often upset. The three weeks I've been home have caused much worry...and my parents often fret.
Still, It's not been all bad. I'm really kinda cute. And though I really don't say much yet, I often toot. I don't really have much of a personality yet. Still, as I said before, I am awfully cute. I'm not sure what it is, but it often seems like I am sick. I don't eat as much as should, and I can't finish my formula. I'm often fussy for hours. That's been pretty hard on my Ma and my Pa. They even got so frustrated they took me to a Chiropractor. I guess thats because they were not having too much success with the General Practitioner. The jury is still out on the Chiropractor, but I did show some improvement after my first visit. Anything would be a welcome change. My parents are just tired of me throwing my little fits.
So, I guess I'm still a work in progress. Cute, but I still have an immature digestive system. I'll get better as time goes by, but in the mean time...sleeping time might be a little grim.
My parents still love me, but Blue Cross of Idaho is not too happy with me these days. My Mom and Dad just want my tummy to improve so I can eat better and move on to the next phase.
Well, there you have it. A brief overall update of my progress. I still have more work to do, but I'm doing OK...more or less. So keep praying for me. And keep praying for my parents too. I've been a little tough on 'em. I've caused my Dad to loose a hair or two. (And he can't really afford that!)
Guns and America
6 years ago
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