Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things to do in the late Fall:

Well, I can root for the Bronco's...Go Bronco's!!

Share sailing stories with 'Sailor Jim'!

Greet old friends with a warm smile!

Sing the 'I love Daddy' song until I'm horse!

Decide if I'm gonna vote for McCain or Obama...Lets see here...punch out the tab here

Hang out with some suspicious characters!

Bundle up and go to the Corn Maze. It was real corny!

Wear crazy shirts that say "Mommy's Little Monster! if..."

Which one of these is the real pumpkin? Can you guess?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Kid in Town

Just try'in to be cool!

I look good in this color!

Are you smiling at me? Well, are you?

A totally cool Bronco fan!

I'm still cool!

Now I'm super cool...look at the hair I'm finally growing! Made ya look!

Lookin good in my Police Academy jogging suit!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A day in the life of Ethan

I like to sit around lookin cute!

Bundling up for a trip into the elements!


Lounging with Jungle Animals!The Tiger scares me!

Playing chess with Dad!

Eating a lot!

Pretending to be a shy guy!

Splish Splash I was taking a bath!

Taking a nap with pops!

A good sleep...after a good feed!

I like my's got spring!

Looking like Telly Savalas!


Bouncing in the bouncer...Boing, Boing!

"I'm just-a-swingin"! It's too!

Going for a ride in the car seat!

Telling fish stories!

Watching scary movies!

Playing itsy itsy spider!

And of course, my favorite, sleeping!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Ethan!

3 months old today! Happy Day, Happy Day. Sorry no cake.

Birthday's make me Grumpy!

But they also make me a little scared! It's a Big World out there!

Other times they make me really sad! Cause I don't get any cake.

Maybe I don't need any cake...they do call me pork chops!

Still, the thought of cake is sort of exciting...

No, wait! What would I do if Mom found out I ate cake?

I know, I'll tear up any evidence of cake...I'll grind it up and make it disappear!

Yes...I like the sound of that!

And if anyone tries to stop me...I'll give 'em a right see, right in the kisser!

Great Plan...Let's have a drink to celebrate!

You really think that's such a good idear?

What if someone sneaks up behind us...and grabs our cakes?

OK, you all do what you want...but I'm totally innocent!
