Birthday's make me Grumpy!

But they also make me a little scared! It's a Big World out there!

Other times they make me really sad! Cause I don't get any cake.

Maybe I don't need any cake...they do call me pork chops!

Still, the thought of cake is sort of exciting...

No, wait! What would I do if Mom found out I ate cake?

I know, I'll tear up any evidence of cake...I'll grind it up and make it disappear!

Yes...I like the sound of that!

And if anyone tries to stop me...I'll give 'em a right see, right in the kisser!

Great Plan...Let's have a drink to celebrate!

You really think that's such a good idear?

What if someone sneaks up behind us...and grabs our cakes?

OK, you all do what you want...but I'm totally innocent!

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