I quietly tip-toed into Ethan's room the other day to check on him. There he lay sound asleep. How quiet and peaceful he looked. I started thinking about taking his picture. (I take so few ya know) Then I got to thinking, (I do that so seldom ya know) that when Ethan was a few days old...and then a few weeks old...almost all his pictures were of him sleeping! 'Cause that's all he did! As he became more active, most of his photo's were of him while he was awake. So, for this posting, I took a couple of new photo's of Ethan sleeping...and went back and found some old ones of him sleeping...all the way back to the NICU. Enjoy the Sleeping Giant pic's! Ethan weigh's 16 pounds 11 ounces at 4 months old.
Tricked ya Dad...I ain't really sleepin! Did you like those cutsie pictures of me sleeping? My Dad...I tell ya...always snapping those pictures...click click click. Sometimes a guy just needs a break from the paparazzi, ya know? That's why I'm wearing this clever disguise...sitting in this chair, in my camo shirt...he don't even know I'm here! And don't you rat me out...Or I'll send my Sister the Witch to put a spell on ya...and she's a good speller...won a spellin bee she did...did I tell ya about the time General Patton and I...
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