You never really smile.
That happy look upon the face...
Is only here a while!
They say it's just some passing gas,
That I'm not really happy.
The truth is that I may be thinkin...
'Bout doin somthing crappy!
For I can just be sitting still,
Just finished up my bottle.
My Mommy has me all wrapped up...
I've just been freshly swaddled!
And then for no apparent reason,
A smile fills my face.
Who would know with toxic gas...
The air will soon be laced!
So when you see me looking happy,
You better run a while...
Cause I'm about to 'bust a move',
And share a 'toot and a smile'!!
Don't make me pull the trigger

That was so funny! lol. Thanks fo adding our site as a link to your site.
Justin, Aimee and Eva Mae