Mom and Dad are wearing thin.
But I get lots of sleep.
Cause they fill me with formula
So's I'll be sleeping deep.
I wake them up so's they can't sleep
Every couple'a hours
They wonder if the stuff I drank
Has made my stomach sour
I cry and whine, and make a fuss
And sometimes make a stinky
And every time I start to cry
They push on me that binkie.
I don't know why they get upset
Cause I get lots of rest.
The staff here at the Gardner Inn
Says, I'm an honored guest.
So I think I will doze off now
In my nice bassinet
For the servants here are awesome dudes
My every need gets met.
So now I'm gonna close my eyes
Until I wake again
Then all I have to do is cry...
And again, it will begin.
Ahhh, this is the life...
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