Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just one more week...

Well, it's down to a week,
Yes, our last 7 days.
...Quite a year,
Is all I can say.

9 months will have past,
Once the big day is here.
...I will sigh,
But Momma will cheer!

It's been a long stretch
Since our journey began
...Many months,
Since we started our man!

But he's just about done,
And then we shall see
...And behold,
What his countenance be.

Yes, I'm here to announce,
I'm not here to warn...
In a week...
Our boy will be born!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Little Macho Man!

"I've got a reputation"...
And I'm not even born.
But everybody seems to think:
My Mommy...they must warn!

They tell her that, when I am born,
I'll never let her rest;
That I'll be up and screaming...
And be a constant pest!

But I'm not sure that's really fair,
"I really like to sleep"!
As long as I get food and drink...
Her sleep - I'll let her keep.

So don't be spreading rumors,
About this little man.
'Cause I might let my Mamma sleep...
As often as I can.

Yes, I might be a bad, bad, man
As tough as I can be...
But I'll be good to Mommy
...You just wait and see!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sugar Pops are Tops!

Hey Pops! What's up?
Its me! Your Little Man.
Wishing you a Happy Papa's Day...
From me, your biggest fan.

I know it's still about three weeks,
Until you see my face.
Still, Happy Fathers Day to you...
From me, your Little Ace!

I'm still inside my Mommy's tummy,
Waiting to be free.
But it will be a happy day...
When me, you get to see.

So Happy Fathers Day - today,
My birth will soon be here.
And when you hold me in your arms...
We'll share a joyful tear!

And we will celebrate again
My arrival and my stay...
With You and Mom and everyone,
On your next Fathers Day:

July 3, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bored Games...

I have this little game I play,
It's really kinda fun.
I can play it anytime,
I even use my buns!

It's not the normal kind of game,
That kids play everyday,
But it's a game I made myself
...I play it 'this-a-way:

I twist, then push, then give a kick!
Then stretch, and next a spin!
I play this game till everyone...
Comes close...and then I WIN!!

When everyone has come to look...
I then sit very still.
I cannot move again until...
They leave, then call me 'pill' !!

And then I laugh and spin again,
It's really kinda funny.
The game I play is really cool,
It's: "Movin Momma's Tummy" !!

Giggle Giggle

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Patriotic Baby?

The Doctor took an Ultrasound,
And said, "I've got some news"!
"That class you took on 'Natural Birth'...
You will not get to use!"

Some veins have grown across the cervix,
So it will not be good...
To have the baby naturally
As women usually would.

A C-section is now the way
We'll take this baby out.
So we will have to play it safe...
That is our only route!

And so the plan is now in place,
At least were gonna try,
To see that our new baby boy...
Is 'born on the 3rd of July'!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Showers of Blessings...

A shower was held at the last of May,
For the upcoming birth of our boy.
And many turned out to wish us the best,
Regarding our bundle of joy.

A good time was had by all that attended,
There was food, there was drink, there was cake.
And everyone brought a gift for our son…
Too many for our trunk to take!

But we managed to get all the gifts in the car,
Said ‘Thanks’ to all who were there.
And it really was nice to see each of you…
And to realize how much you each care!

Family and friends, and many a co-worker,
Attended our shower in May.
We thank you so much, for your gifts and your thoughts…
And the caring your kindness conveyed.

We all had such fun...perusing the gifts,
And checking out all of the clothes.
Strollers, and playpens, and bassinets too…
Many gifts, for our he grows!

So ‘Thank you’ to all for a wonderful time,
For your presence as well as your presents!
And we’ll not forget you, or your gift, or your thoughts…
When we welcome our new little Gent!