Monday, March 31, 2008

The Doctor is in…

The quick little beats of the embryo’s heart,
Could be seen on the Ultrasound screen.
We looked on amazed, at the wonder of life…
Still in awe at what we had seen.

So the testing begins… “Come back in two weeks”,
“Lets draw blood”, and “We’ll need you to pee”!
“We’ll measure you here” – then push on you there…
We’ll peek ------- and we’ll charge you a fee.

An ache and a pain, and many a worry…
These came as our journey progressed.
Yet we knew we’d forget the ‘pain and the worry’,
When we welcomed our ‘new’ little guest!

So bring on the tests…and the warm globs of gel,
And, lets listen again to the heart.
And we’ll watch for the end of the ‘aches and the pains’…
For that’s when the ‘sleepless nights start’!! 

“Hey Doctor, when’s my next appointment?”

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And So it began...

And so it began one crisp Autumn Day,
Twas October of Two Thousand Seven.
When God's hand came down, and touched my sweet Rose...
And gave us a blessing from Heaven.

A little life stirred in the womb of my wife,
As a miracle started to grow.
And just how our lives were about to be changed...
We had only begun to know.

What a wonderful thing, as the ultrasound found...
The proof that life had begun.
Then proud was the Dad, who finally had...
Filled the oven with one little bun!